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Bad breath, medically called ‘halitosis’, is an embarrassing problem that affects a significant percent of our population and indirectly bothers close non-sufferers too. Our sense of smell has the ability to adjust to odour, hence most sufferers are often not aware of their own bad breath.

Bad breath can result from poor oral health care habits or can also be a sign of health problems elsewhere. Our lifestyle and what we eat can modify it either way. However, the only odour that comes from the stomach is when we burp. Garlic, onions and spicy foods, when eaten and absorbed into the body, can release odour through the lungs when we breathe. Such food odours are transitory and should not be mistaken for bad breath.

Research shows that most bad breath originates from the mouth. If we don’t brush our teeth regularly and correctly, food particles tend to remain lodged in the tiny spaces between our teeth. This increases the chance of bacterial growth between the teeth, around the gums and on the tongue. This can cause bad breath. Smoking and chewing of tobacco and gutka can also cause bad breath. Disease of the gums due to build up of plaque on the teeth, ill-fitting dentures, dental decay, fungal infections of the mouth, dry mouth due to various causes, mouth breathing, chronic infections of the sinuses, throat or tonsils, post-nasal drip, chronic acid reflux, diabetes, liver or kidney problems and even some medicines can all lead to bad breath.

To prevent or reduce bad breath which is primarily oral, it is advisable to follow some general measures:

  • Brush your teeth regularly at least twice a day and ideally even after meals. It is important to brush teeth in the correct manner. Replace your toothbrush every 2-3 months and earlier if it gets worn out.
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for early detection of problems and cleaning that may be required.
  • Quit smoking and chewing tobacco or gutka.
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water a day to keep the mouth moist and flush out toxins from your system.
  • Cinnamon has bacteria fighting properties, in this way it helps to fight bad breath.
  • Anything that makes you salivate will help to keep away bad breath.

Maintaining oral hygiene is a must even if you choose to take treatment for bad breath. Homoeopathic treatment will involve a detailed assessment which should ascertain the probable cause of the problem. If the cause is connected to deeper health issues rather than just oral hygiene, the Homoeopath will take a detailed case history, inquiring into physical, emotional and mental aspects of the patient’s complete personality along with family history and past medical history. This is important to enable the Homoeopath to choose a constitutional remedy for the patient which will work to improve the body’s own immunity and defence mechanisms. Apart from constitutional treatment, the Homoeopath may also target the relevant cause with remedies which have an affinity for the local problem, in this way shortening the time for cure.

Alcoholism is not just bodily dependence on alcohol but also a mental dependence. It results in chronic disease and disruption of interpersonal, family and work relationships. Over a period of time, alcoholism affects the brain, central nervous system, liver and heart. Alcoholism may develop at any age, and occurs 4 times more often in men than women.

Factors which lead to the development of alcoholism may include a genetic predisposition, emotional factors like depression, dependency, anger, etc., crisis situations like bereavement, unemployment, family influences such as alcoholic or divorced parents, social and cultural pressures to drink and possibly body chemistry disturbances.

Early stages:
· Low tolerance for anxiety.
· Need for alcohol at the beginning of the day, or at times of stress.
· Insomnia; nightmares.
· Habitual Monday-morning hangovers, and frequent absences from work.
· Preoccupation with obtaining alcohol and hiding the drinking habit from family and friends.
· Guilt or irritability when others suggest drinking is excessive.

Late stages:
· Frequent blackouts; memory loss.
· Delirium tremens (tremors, hallucinations, confusion, sweating, rapid heartbeat). These occur most often with alcohol withdrawal.
· Liver disease (jaundice, internal bleeding, bloating).
· Neurological impairment (numbness and tingling in hands and feet, declining sexual interest and potency, confusion, coma).
· Congestive heart failure (shortness of breath, swelling of feet).

· Chronic liver disease.
· Gastric erosion with bleeding; stomach inflammation.
· Neuritis (inflammation of the nerves), tremors, seizures and brain impairment.
· Inflammation of the pancreas.
· Inflammation of the heart.
· Mental and physical damage to the foetus if a woman drinks during pregnancy.
· Family members of alcoholics may develop psychological symptoms requiring treatment and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

It is important to provide children with a loving stable family environment. Alcohol, if used, should be used in moderation to provide healthy role models. It has often been seen that parents or relatives give a young child a taste of alcohol from their own glasses. This should not be done as children can wrongly get encouraged into drinking alcohol at a very early age. Besides the danger of developing a habit, alcohol at a young age puts a strain on their livers and can cause liver damage.

The first and most difficult step of treatment is to admit that the problem exists. Psychotherapy and counselling would also be important along with medical treatment. Having a normal well balanced diet is essential, vitamin supplements such as thiamine and folic acid may often be necessary. Thiamine is present in cereal grains, rice bran, outer layer of rice, dry beans, peas, soya beans, peanuts, nuts, liver, heart, kidney, egg yolk, milk, green leafy vegetables. Folic acid is present in good amounts in broccoli, chick peas, peas, brown rice, bananas and oranges.

HOMOEOPATHY – Homoeopathy treats alcoholism at depth like it does other illnesses. Persistence with treatment is essential. A Homoeopathic physician will take into account the alcoholic individual’s life situation, and prescribe based on the patient’s individual stresses and weaknesses, thereby offering a support system along with treatment to reduce the body’s craving for alcohol, and deal with the adverse effects of alcohol on the body. In this way, Homoeopathy is a safe, gentle and effective means of getting an individual out of alcohol’s trap.

We live in an age where life has become too fast for most of us. Stress is a common part of our daily lives and people are turning to meditation, yoga, aromatherapy and other natural forms of relaxation and treatment. The use of flower remedies is a similar form of treatment which works deeply and without side effects. This form of therapy was introduced by Dr. Edward Bach, a qualified Allopathic doctor, who later studied and practiced Homoeopathy. Dr. Bach spent six long years roaming about in jungles and ravines, collecting information about various plants and their flowers and then produced 38 medicines, each of which is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state. These medicines are called Bach Flower Remedies.

There is an intimate relation between the physical body and mind. The mind is the mirror which reflects the physical state of the person. Hence, ailments in the different parts of the body have a cumulative effect on the mind and mood of the person. It is this change of mood – the mental state – of the patient which the Flower Remedies intend to change and rectify, thereby nullifying the cumulative result of all physical ailments. In treatment with Bach Flower Remedies, physical symptoms are usually not considered, only mental symptoms are taken into account. The suitable remedy, based on mental symptoms, is selected from the 38 remedies. When we say that treatment by Bach Flower Remedies is based on only mental symptoms, it does not mean that this treatment is confined to mental cases only. It simply means that the patient is cured both physically and mentally by the remedy which is prescribed based on mental symptoms.

Some advantages of the Bach Flower Remedies are:

  • Selection of the remedy is easy as there are only 38 medicines to choose from.
  • More than one remedy can be taken individually or in combination at the same time.
  • There are no side effects.
  • These remedies can be taken with medicines from other systems without interfering in their action.

The ultimate purpose of Bach Flower Remedies is to correct emotional imbalances so that negative traits get converted into positive strengths. After taking the medicine if there is a change in the mood of the patient, the medicine may be changed accordingly. There is no fixed rule by which it can be determined how long it would be necessary to continue giving Flower Remedies. If it is a temporary sensation, it may clear up even with one single dose of the remedy, but if it is intended to change the very temperament of the person or to remove a chronic ailment, it may require many months to do it. Deep changes can be brought about in a person with the correct remedy. To offer some examples, Bach Flower Remedies can be used for people who are unable to get rid of hatred and jealousy from their minds, unable to move on from an unpleasant past; people who are unable to break away from the influence of a dominating person in their lives; remedies can be used to treat dominating people themselves. They can treat deep fears, despair and hopelessness, etc.

Apart from the 38 Bach Flower Remedies, there is a combination remedy called Rescue Remedy which has been found to be very useful in sudden traumatic situations such as stress, emergencies, bad news, before an interview or exam, etc. It has also been found to be useful for travel sickness. This remedy helps us get back our normal balance so we can calmly deal with the situation. It helps to relax, remain focused and calm.

All these remedies are usually available at most Homoeopathic Pharmacies and the remedies can be had in liquid or globule form. It is best, however, not to self-medicate, but to take the remedies under the supervision of a practitioner.

Today I address briefly many of the problems particular to women, since as practitioners, we find that though we’re into the 21st century, women are often silent sufferers. Even though the practice of medicine has advanced tremendously since former times, very few people are aware that our body symptoms have meaning beyond the immediate health problem they are warning us about. We can benefit emotionally, physically and spiritually if we pay attention to our body’s messages.

Emotional factors are usually involved in common gynaecological problems along with diet, heredity and other causes. Women’s problems are often related to the context of their lives. By understanding that these illnesses are often wake-up calls, the first step to healing can begin. Our illnesses often exist to get our attention and get us back on track. With a new outlook about ourselves, women can begin to heal mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

The health of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes depends on a woman’s feeling able, competent and powerful to create financial and emotional abundance and stability, and to express her creativity fully. Feeling good about herself and about her relationships with other people in her life, lead to good internal pelvic health. Stressful and limiting relationships can adversely affect the health of these organs. The health of the uterus is at risk if a woman doesn’t believe in herself or is overly self-critical. In comparison, ovarian health is affected by the quality of a woman’s relationships with people and things outside herself. Ovaries are at risk when women feel controlled or criticized by others or when they themselves control or criticize others.

Chronic pelvic pain sufferers often have complex psychological and emotional histories. The physical pain is often related to unfinished emotional pain in either past or current relationships with partners or with jobs, or emotional or sexual abuse. Emotional stress in a woman’s personal or professional life that she perceives to be unresolvable is a big cause of pelvic pain.

Endometriosis is an increasingly common condition today. The tissue that forms the lining of the uterus which normally grows inside the uterus, grows in other areas of the pelvis and sometimes even outside the pelvis. Endometriosis develops when a woman’s innermost emotional needs are in direct conflict with what the world demands of her.

Fibroids often develop when there are conflicts about creativity, reproduction and relationships. If the underlying energy patterns, life questions, conflicts, and emotional issues are addressed, and changed, the fibroids usually do not grow or cause problems. Whilst we talk about mind-body issues, it is also essential to draw attention to the fact that since the uterus is sensitive to the hormone oestrogen, anything that changes circulating oestrogen levels can affect it. A diet high in partially hydrogenated and saturated fats, high in refined carbohydrates and low in fiber can increase circulating oestrogens. This puts a woman at risk for fibroids as well as endometriosis and breast cancer. Hence it is better to change to a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. Reduce refined sugar, flour products and dairy foods.

As mentioned earlier, ovarian problems result from a woman’s perception that people and circumstances outside herself are preventing her from being creative. Mental patterns of vengeance and resentment also affect the ovaries. Benign ovarian growths differ from cancer only in the degree of the emotional energy involved. Extreme need for male approval while giving her own emotional needs least priority can result in ovarian cancers over a prolonged period of time. Such a woman may feel helpless to change an abusive situation. Ovarian cancer can develop rapidly due to a precipitating psychosocial trauma.

Problems in the vulva, vagina, cervix and lower urinary tract are usually associated with a woman’s feelings of violation in her relationship with another individual or in her job. Chronic vulvar problems like pain and itching may be associated with stress from anxiety and irritation at being controlled either by a partner or a situation.

This article does not provide a complete understanding of the deeper issues involved in such conditions, but the idea of writing such an article is to make women aware of the extent they damage their bodies unknowingly when they give in to the pressures of society and do not value themselves.

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which takes a holistic view of every problem and learning about the life situation, relationships, working lives and diet as a totality, provides us with clues to the source of the body’s distress. Homoeopathic medicines are not chemical medicine, but energy medicine, and hence work deep in the organism. With the benefits of energy medicine, we can hope to set right wrong energy patterns in the human system. Only with time and a commitment from the patient to seriously look into one’s life patterns as co-operation in the curative process, can real healing take place.

In connection with this topic, there is an interesting book by Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D. – Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom.

Asthma is a respiratory disorder with recurrent episodes of wheezing and shortness of breath. Amongst chronic diseases affecting children, asthma is one of the most common. In asthma, the bronchial airways get inflamed and this results in increased mucus secretion, swelling of the bronchial linings and spasm of the bronchi. (The bronchi are the airway tubes which conduct air from the windpipe to the lungs.) As a result of this inflammation, there is obstruction to the smooth passage of air to the lungs, coughing, wheezing and tightness of the chest, along with difficulty in breathing. Why does this inflammation occur? This inflammation can be caused by allergy, external irritants in the air or by the viruses which bring on the common cold. Childhood asthma is most often dependent on a genetic predisposition to develop allergies and hence overreact to triggers in the environment.


    · Chest tightness and shortness of breath.
    · Wheezing, though characteristic, is not always noticed.
    · Frequent coughing especially at night or during exercise.
    · Rapid, shallow breathing that is usually easier with sitting up.
    · Breathing difficulty which is noticed as tightening of the neck and abdominal muscles with every breath.
    · Children with mild asthma, may not suffer overtly from wheezing or shortness of breath, but may suffer from frequent respiratory infections.

Severe symptoms of an acute attack:

    · Bluish skin.
    · Exhaustion.
    · Grunting respiration.
    · Inability to speak.
    · Mental changes, including restlessness or confusion.

CAUSES – These could be potential triggers:
· Allergens; such as pollen, dust, fur and feathers from pets or toys, house dust mites which harbour in carpets and beds, cockroaches and even some foods like milk, soya and eggs.
· Lung infections such as bronchitis and flu.
· Air irritants, such as smoke, vehicle exhaust, strong odours and paint fumes.
· Exposure to cold air.
· Exercise – running often triggers an episode while swimming is probably the least-provoking.
· Emotional stress.

It is generally seen that the chance of developing asthma increases if there is a family history of asthma or other allergies. Children with eczema often develop asthma later, esp. if the eczema is suppressed but not properly treated. It is essential that parents do not smoke as even passive smoking increases the chance of developing asthma.

DIET AND EXERCISE – Whilst treatment is on, it is best to avoid the foods which act as triggers. Avoid cold food and drinks; preferably take water warm. Drinking plenty of fresh water helps in keeping secretions loose. Herbal tea made with ajwain, tulsi leaves, pepper and ginger help. A recipe for using ajwain has been sent in by a reader, Mr. Baji Kalwachia – Take ¼ teaspoonful of ajwain seeds, roast them on a tawa/flat griddle till the seeds split, (do not allow them to burn), mix them in half a glass of warm milk, add a pinch of turmeric powder and drink. This is supposed to be very effective for colds, coughs and asthmatic conditions.

Regular breathing exercises including ‘pranayama’ are helpful. Children should be encouraged to participate in normal activities as much as possible.

Children often outgrow asthma. Without treatment, severe attacks can be fatal. From the point of view of conventional medicine, asthma has no cure and symptoms can only be controlled. However, Homoeopathy provides a holistic approach to the problem by treating the immune system, strengthening it and bringing back correct balance to reduce the oversensitiveness of the respiratory tracts. In this way, the disposition to asthma is modified as the immune system learns not to over-react to stimuli. Homoeopathic treatment will involve going into the detailed history of the patient. Mental and physical characteristics are noted and constitutional treatment is begun, which, over a period of time, modifies the immune system suitably. During acute episodes, medicines are chosen to give quick relief and usually there is no need to resort to bronchodilators or steroid medication.
In this way, Homoeopathy offers a safe and gentle option in the treatment of asthma.


Vitiligo, also known as leucoderma (leuco=white, derma=skin), is a disorder manifesting on the skin which can cause extreme distress to sufferers because of its unusual appearance. There is loss of skin pigmentation in patches due to destruction of the pigment manufacturing cells, the melanocytes. It is usually progressive and over time the white patches may spread to other areas of the body.

In India, it is often called ‘safed kor/kod’. It affects at least one in every hundred people in countries throughout the world. It affects people of both sexes equally, and it affects all races. It can begin at any age, though about fifty percent of people with vitiligo develop it before the age of twenty.

Vitiligo is usually not harmful medically, but it often takes a toll on the psychological well-being and self esteem of the individual. People have to be aware that it is NOT infectious or contagious and cannot be spread to other people by contact. The social stigma attached with this condition needs to be removed.

SIGNS & SYMPTOMS — Small areas of different skin colour or patches with the following characteristics:
· They are flat, white and can’t be felt with fingers.
· They spread to form very large, irregularly-shaped areas without pigmentation.
· They are usually on both sides of the body in approximately the same place.
· Their size varies from 2mm or 3mm to several centimeters in diameter.
· They don’t hurt or itch.
· The hair growing on skin affected by vitiligo sometimes turns white.

The exact cause is not yet well understood. It is believed to be the result of autoimmune, genetic and environmental factors. An autoimmune origin implies that the body’s own defence mechanism does not recognize the pigment cells as the body’s own; considers them to be ‘foreign’, and destroys them. As we know, stress often play a major role in adversely affecting the immune system and creating an autoimmune condition. Family history of the condition is found in about 10-30% of the affected patients. Some studies suggest that people with vitiligo inherit a group of three genes that make them susceptible to developing it. Vitiligo may be precipitated by injury or sunburn.

· Family history of vitiligo.
· Thyroid or adrenal disease.
· Diabetes mellitus.
· Injury.
· It may be associated with some other auto-immune diseases.

PROBABLE OUTCOME AND TREATMENT — It is important to realise that inheriting a vitiligo trait from your parents does not necessarily mean that you will develop the condition. If the body’s immune system remains healthy, functioning to its best capacity, latent predispositions do not become active. To keep your immune defences high, it is important to have a healthy, well-balanced nutritious diet, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; avoid junk food and processed food as far as possible. Get adequate sleep and exercise in fresh air. Learn to handle stress effectively.

Treatment is prolonged but there can be no guarantees for complete and permanent re-pigmentation. It is impossible to predict how much improvement will occur with treatment. Younger individuals (under 30) and those who obtain treatment early usually respond best. Allow one year to evaluate results. Spontaneous re-pigmentation is noted in about 10-20% of patients. Factors indicating good prognosis for regimentation are: recent onset within the past 6 months, in a young individual on the facial area. Conversely, factors which indicate an unfavorable prognosis are: late onset in life, long-standing persistent lesions, located on the extremities and on the lips.

HOMOEOPATHY has a holistic approach and treats a patient with vitiligo as an individual, mind and body together. The physician will inquire into all aspects of the patient’s life; mental, emotional and physical characteristics of the patient, personal and family history. The aim is to set right the immune functioning of the patient and remove the tendencies to illness. Once the body’s immune system is functioning well, there are good chances that re-pigmentation will set in. In this way, homoeopathy offers a safe and gentle approach in the treatment of vitiligo.

This post is more for homoeopaths who analyze the remedy reaction carefully before making the next prescription. Remedies relate to one another in different ways; a remedy may be complementary or inimical or antidotal to another. This is an important aspect to consider for successful prescribing.

The relationships of remedies is given in the form of a table at the end of Boericke’s Materia Medica (mainly in the Indian editions) and also in certain other books. This table has been compiled by Dr. Gibson-Miller and is one of the best ones around.

I needed to pass on this information to a family friend who is also a keen homoeopathic enthusiast. I could not find a downloadable version of Dr. Gibson-Miller’s Relationship of Remedies despite hunting on the Net. Finally on the suggestion of another keen homoeopath, I scanned the relevant pages from Boericke and decided to upload it to this site for the use of anyone else who may want to download it. Shall be uploading it to as well, one of the best sites on homoeopathy.

Thanks to Boericke’s Materia Medica being a big book, the scan is not great, but its usable!

Here is a pdf file of the scanned table for Relationship of Remedies.

In this article, I would like to talk about what a Homoeopath needs to know to be able to help the patient in the best manner possible.

Many patients come to a Homoeopath with a ready diagnosis of the disease obtained from an earlier doctor and expect that once they have given the diagnosis to the Homoeopath, the Homoeopathic doctor should be able to prescribe the required medicine. For Homoeopaths, a diagnosis is important only from the point of view of differentiating peculiar symptoms characteristic to the individual patient, from general symptoms, which belong to the disease diagnosis.

It is important for patients to realize that the Homoeopathic prescription which really helps the patient the most, is one based on the peculiar symptoms of the individual patient, which as a rule, have no direct connection with the diagnosed disease. Hence anything peculiar, queer, rare and strange that the patient has observed (which we call P, Q, R, S symptoms in Homoeopathy) needs to be told to the Homoeopath. Many people refrain from talking about these symptoms, either from embarrassment or from the idea that these symptoms have nothing to do with their main complaint and they want the doctor to focus only on the main complaint. This results in the Homoeopath knowing only part of the problem and makes medicine selection more difficult and usually inaccurate as well. Patients must remember that the Homoeopathic doctor, unlike a conventional doctor, is treating the WHOLE PATIENT, and not just the PART that is ill; hence anything which the patient perceives as ‘not alright’ is important from the point of view of the Homoeopath, even though it may have no logical connection to the main problem which the patient seeks treatment for. It is these very ‘weird’ symptoms that can lead the Homoeopath to a highly successful prescription and rapid cure of the illness.

Patients also need to be very observant about their symptoms and what they suffer from. Homoeopaths need a lot of detail about everything that troubles a patient. For example, if the patient is complaining of backache, the Homoeopath needs to know the exact location of the pain, the type of pain, whether the pain radiates to another location, the factors that increase the pains and the factors that give relief, and also any other symptoms that accompany the pain.

The reason why Homoeopaths need so much detail lies in the fact that the effects of Homoeopathic medicines are tested on healthy human beings, what we call ‘Homoeopathic Proving’. Due to the energy stimulation of the Homoeopathic medicine during a proving, provers develop symptoms (which later when the same symptoms are seen in a patient, the same medicine is capable of curing on the basis of the Homoeopathic law), and because human beings have the advantage of expression (in contrast to animal testing where only gross changes in health can be noted), these symptoms are recorded in great detail, mentioning exactly what the prover is going through. Hence it is clear, that the more completely the complaints are described, the more accurate the ultimate prescription will be and the quicker is the restoration of good health.

There has been an alarming increase in the incidence of cancer since the last century. This rise in incidence has been explained not only due to sophisticated detection techniques, but also due to an increase in the environmental carcinogens affecting the cell adversely, stimulating it to unlimited growth and multiplication – cancer.

Iscador therapy is a type of treatment for cancer used by doctors trained in Anthroposophic medicine. This therapy was developed in Switzerland by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the 20th century. Rudolf Steiner was Austrian-born and he developed the science of Anthroposophy. The word Anthroposophy means ‘wisdom of the human being’. It takes into account spiritual dimensions of the human being and the world. Steiner introduced the concepts of anthroposophy into all aspects of life — education, medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, economics, art and religion. This was how Anthroposophic medicine was born.

Anthroposophic medicine
is based on the spiritual scientific view of a healthy human being who is in close harmony and interaction with the different levels of creation and has lost this when in a state of ill health. This involves a holistic approach and hence is compatible with other holistic systems of medicine. Training in Anthroposophic medicine is available only to doctors already trained in conventional or alternative systems of medicine. The substances from which anthroposophical medicines are prepared are essentially natural and taken from the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. Medicines are prepared according to Homoeopathic principles and hence anthroposophic medicine and homoeopathy easily go hand in hand.

Iscador is the trade name of a group of anti-cancer treatments, all prepared from different types of mistletoe extracts. Treatment with Iscador aims at intensifying the body’s own forces against the cancer cell’s tendency towards autonomy. Iscador is a complementary rather than an alternative medicine. It is frequently prescribed in Europe by medical doctors including oncologists in addition to the conventional cancer therapies, radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Nowadays in Europe, mistletoe is a key component in conventional cancer therapy. Here in India, following training in anthroposophic medicine, homoeopaths have begun to use Iscador for cancer cases. Iscador is available in the US under the brand name Iscar.

There are about 1400 mistletoe species around the world. One thing that they all have in common is that they do not root in the mineral soil but live on other, generally woody, plants. Only white-berried mistletoe is used to treat cancer.

Mistletoe contains among other things, two groups of toxins: viscotoxins and mistletoe lectins. Viscotoxins and mistletoe lectins are proteins capable of being broken down in the digestive tract. The molecular structure and pharmacological actions of viscotoxins are closely related to those of snake venoms. They have cytolytic action, i.e., they dissolve cancer cells. The mistletoe lectins are related to castor-oil plant lectins. They have cytostatic properties, i.e., they inhibit the growth of cancer cells.


  • Early malignancies. Here it has the greatest scope, especially in Stage 0, i.e. Carcinoma-in-situ.
  • Advanced malignancies. Here it is of considerable help in inoperable tumours, recurrences, widespread metastases and in terminal cases, it brings about palliation.
  • It is used as a prophylactic for malignant lesions in pre-cancerous states, where regression of the lesion takes place.
  • Benign neoplasms.
  • Surgery. Inoperable tumours become operable through delineation of the tumour by Iscador therapy. During the operation, it helps prevent dissemination of the tumour. Post-operatively, it hastens a smooth convalescence. Early follow-up treatment by Iscador results in a significant reduction in the incidence of recurrences and late metastases by about 30-40 %.
  • Concurrent with chemotherapy and/or radiation, Iscador prevents or reduces toxic side effects, promotes tolerance as well as dispersion of the tumour.
  • Cancer patients treated with Iscador and followed up for a long time with regular laboratory investigations show no toxic symptoms, apart from the desirable rise in body temperature, transient rise in leucocytes and rise in lymphocytes. No harmful side effects have been reported. Even if Iscador is given intensively for many years, there is no depression of the bone marrow unlike chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Iscador therapy stimulates the form-giving processes and forces in the human organism against the tendency to unregulated proliferation of the cell, which is seen in cancer.

Iscador preparations are classified according to the host-tree of the mistletoe used in their preparation. Depending on the localization of the primary tumour and on the sex of the patient, the type of Iscador preparation is selected. Metastases are treated with the same preparations as the primary tumour. Special metal combinations are used to increase and potentiate the action of Iscador on specific organs. Each preparation is available in a number of strengths. The different strengths permit variation in the intensity of the treatment, depending upon the clinical state of the patient. The route of administration is usually subcutaneous; only in the case of intracranial tumours is the oral route usually used. The time of administration is usually in the morning, which is the time of the physiological rise of temperature. The frequency of administration varies according to the type and location of the tumour and the judgement of the physician. The duration of the treatment is quite long, extending over a number of years. The changes in the type of Iscador preparations, dose, frequency, etc., are managed through the assessment of the clinical response and the laboratory data.


  • Inflammatory reaction with increased flow of blood and swelling in the region of the tumour is seen occasionally with usual subcutaneous injections. This passes off in a few hours.
  • Slight increase in body temperature occurs which is desirable as a curative process.
  • Transient increase in the neutrophil component of white blood cell count, which persists for some hours.
  • Immune stimulation as a whole and consequent inhibition of tumour development which leads to :
    1) improvement in the general condition.
    2) increased appetite.
    3) gain in weight.
    4) improved sleep.
    5) decrease in fatigue and depression.
    6) stimulation of urinary and bowel functions.
    7) reduction or disappearance of pain.
  • Increased tolerance to irradiation and/or chemotherapy.
  • Relief of pain and subjective improvement in the patient are most striking even in advanced stages of cancer and inspite of the progressive course of the tumour.


  • Stationary for some time.
  • Occasional regression of the tumour.
  • Slowing down or cessation of tumour growth.
  • Reduced incidence of metastases or secondaries, or prevention of extension.
  • Reduced incidence or recurrences after operation and/or radiation.

Iscador medications are imported into India and are fairly expensive, though much cheaper than the costs of conventional cancer treatments. It should be remembered that Iscador has to be continued for several years, with few gaps in between as suggested by the treating physician.

Iscador potentiates the action of Homoeopathic therapeutics as both act on the immune mechanism. When understood and practised, these therapies become limitless in their possibilities for development and their power to treat the millions of sick people in the world.

(For more details, see my write-up on Iscador Therapy at

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, is a common cause of infertility in many young women. In this condition the follicles do not release the eggs normally in every menstrual cycle; multiple cysts are formed in the ovaries.

It is not really known why PCOD occurs. The polycystic ovaries are a sign of hormonal malfunction. Hormones can be affected by a woman’s emotions, thoughts, diet and personal history. A few cases are genetic and run in families, but most cases have no such familial link.

As Homoeopaths are practitioners who adopt the holistic approach, we are aware that when there is a problem with something so complex as the ovulation process, there may be a problem with the regulatory mechanism of the menstrual cycle in the brain. We know that the brain is affected by emotional and psychological factors such as stress and repressed pain in the past. Where ovarian functioning is concerned, it has been found that negative feelings about being female or feelings of inferiority are often present.


  • Obesity
  • Excess hair growth on face and body (hirsutism)
  • Irregular and infrequent or absent menses with infrequent or absent ovulation
  • Acne with greasy skin
  • Miscarriages
  • Infertility

A diagnosis of PCOD can be made based on the symptom picture the patient presents with, confirmed by blood tests and USG (ultrasonography) of the abdomen and pelvis. The blood tests are done to check the levels of the hormones oestrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH), testosterone and DHEA.

Women with PCOD are at higher risk of developing other illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and uterine cancer.

Exercise and reducing body weight are important parts of the treatment of PCOD as they can reduce the risk of developing other illnesses. Having regular periods is important for the woman to reduce the risk of uterine cancer.

Since conventional medicine doesn’t know the cause of most of the cases of PCOD, treatment is aimed at quelling the symptoms only. Most women are therefore prescribed birth control pills and anti-androgenic drugs to create cyclic menstrual periods. Women suffering from infertility are prescribed drugs which induce ovulation temporarily. These treatments, though helpful, do not address the lack of ovulation or the hormonal status of the brain.
Homoeopaths believe that treatment should be aimed at setting the basic cause right and not just targeting each individual problem separately in the complex of PCOD.

Patients have to realise that PCOD does not have to be a lifelong chronic condition. Emotions have to be heeded and not suppressed. Going out in natural light as much as possible is beneficial in re-establishing hormonal balance. Diet should be well-balanced and full of nutritious items. Junk food should be avoided. A regular exercise programme should be followed.

Homoeopathic treatment involves a detailed case taking wherein all emotional, intellectual and physical aspects of the patient are considered before the main remedy is chosen. Such a chosen constitutional remedy works at deep levels setting right the basic imbalance in the body. It is seen that patients respond well to such treatment and regular menstrual cycles are soon established. Over a period of 1-2 years, all cysts in the ovaries also disappear and the woman can lead a normal healthy life without further treatment.